Schulte forms Chinese crew joint venture

The Schulte Group, Huayang Maritime Center, and Haikou Xinhaina Port and Shipping Technology Co have formed a joint venture on Hainan Island in the far south of China. Called BSM-HMC Maritime Services, the aim of the new joint venture is to build a strong local network to cultivate a new generation of Chinese crew.

“Together, not only will we be able to ensure the supply of highly trained Chinese crew to the Schulte Group’s owned and managed vessels, but also enhance the competitiveness of China’s seafarers in the global crew pool and provide more high-quality talent to the whole maritime industry,” said Ian Beveridge, CEO of the Schulte Group.

According to Schulte data, China is the fourth-largest supplier of seafarers, having dispatched approximately 1.4m seafarers over the past decade.