Alex Saverys hails results from latest CMB.TECH share tender as a vote of confidence

Compagnie Maritime Belge has managed to win just over 92% of the shares of CMB.TECH in a second tender to take control of the company formerly called Euronav.

Alexander Saverys, CEO of CMB.TECH, said: “We can finally turn the page on the tender offer for the shares of our company. The fact that very few shareholders tendered their shares is a vote of confidence for the strategy of CMB.TECH. We want to remain listed and will continue to grow our diversified and future-proof maritime group. It’s full speed ahead to decarbonise today to navigate tomorrow.”

Euronav changed names to CMB.TECH on October 1 after a protracted takeover saga between the Saverys family and John Fredriksen.