Sea1 Offshore orders OSV brace in China

Norwegian offshore vessel owner and operator Sea1 Offshore has ordered two offshore support newbuilds at China’s Cosco Shipping (Qidong) Offshore.

The Christen Sveaas-backed company with 17 owned and another 17 managed OSVs said the vessels are based on Skipsteknisk’s ST-245 design and will be fit to serve both oil & gas and renewable markets.

The vessels will be equipped with some of the most fuel-efficient solutions in the market with generators, battery packages and thruster configurations that are fine-tuned and include the latest technology available, Sea1 Offshore noted.

The 120-m-long newbuilds will be methanol-ready and capable of running on 100% biofuel. The ships will have a cargo deck area of 1,400 sq m, accommodation capacity for 120 persons, an ROV hangar, moonpool and a 250t crane.

Sea1 Offshore should take delivery of both vessels by the second quarter of 2027 and is in talks with the builder for potential further newbuilds. Financial terms have not been revealed.