iHelm Decision Support for pilot boats for Sjöfartsverket

Pilot boats are an essential part of our maritime world where they provide safe passage for ships to and from the harbor. The Swedish Maritime Administration (SMA) has 23 pilot stations in Sweden. There are 7 areas for pilot stations alongside the Swedish coast. SMA owns more than 70 pilot boats in Sweden. Within this project, Cetasol can provide 29 units to SMA. To support the pilot boats to become more sustainable, the Swedish Maritime Administration had a public tender where they seek driver support for the Swedish Maritime Administration’s vessels.

The Swedish Maritime Administration offers efficient sea routes, modern services, and maritime partnerships for growth, competitiveness, and sustainable development. The administration ensures competitive shipping through safe, environmentally friendly, and efficient sea routes available 24/7. Additionally, SMA services cater to the needs of businesses, individuals, and society. With over 50 ports in Sweden, the Swedish Maritime Administration prioritize efficiency, safety, and environmental considerations to facilitate maritime traffic. The operational activities encompass pilot boat operations, fairway operations, and nautical surveying.

Cetasol develops intelligent solutions for marine sustainability. The digital analytical platform iHelm (Intelligent Helm) developed by Cetasol, helps small and medium-sized commercial vessels to optimize their energy consumption and reduce their CO2 emissions. Using artificial intelligence technology to analyze operations, iHelm acts as the brain of the system, providing actionable insights to captains and business owners alike. This allows captains to improve their operations with guidelines on maneuvering. Business owners have information on different KPIs e.g. over-fueled areas along the route.

With Cetasol as a selected supplier to Swedish Maritime Administration, Cetasol is developing its iHelm solution to fit the needs of the pilot boats and the organizations. Cetasol will procure a marine driver system to optimize movement for economic and environmentally friendly purposes. The system will evaluate, monitor, and log real-time vessel data from any location. Within this project, Cetasol provides an extensive solution based on requirements from SMA for pilot boats. Besides the main delivery, Cetasol also offers a simplified solution, Track Unit, for some vessels and four simulation systems.