Captain, who boarded the Cook Islands-flagged 176m NEW SIHAM ship at the southern entrance of the Bosphorus. Oğuz Kök fell into the sea. It is reported that the captain died due to hypothermia.
04.02.2024 – 08:04
04.02.2024 – 08:04
Pilot Captain Oğuz Kök fell overboard while boarding the ship
Kapat. Oğuz Kök fell into the sea from the cross at around 04.30 in the morning, while being transferred to the Cook Islands-flagged 176 m long ship called NEW SIHAM, at the southern entrance of the Bosphorus. It is reported that the captain died due to hypothermia.
According to the information obtained, Captain Kök, who was transferred from the pilot boat to the cross to be transferred to the ship, fell into the sea for an unknown reason. Captain Oğuz Kök, who was rescued by the sailor Kamil Taruz, who jumped into the sea from the pilot boat, was brought to the harem pier. Kök, who was taken to Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital unconscious, could not be saved despite all the interventions.
It was reported that the ship was kept in Büyükdere.
Kapat. Oğuz Kök was one of the 83 graduates of ITU Maritime Faculty, Deck Department.
Captain Oğuz was also the pilot of the tanker that was able to anchor and stop 200 meters away from Dolmabahçe in 2006.
OÄŸuz Kök, who was the pilot captain of the tanker that was stopped by anchoring 200 meters before Dolmabahçe Palace, said, “If there was a 3-5 minute delay, nothing would be like today.”
Oğuz Kök was nominated for the IMO courage award by the Chamber of Shipping in 2006.
News update: General Directorate of Maritime Affairs made the following statements in its post on its social media account:
Two of our sailors, who were on the transfer boat to provide pilotage service in the Bosphorus, fell into the sea, and pilot Oğuz Kök, one of our sailors who was immediately taken to the hospital, lost his life.