Longship boosts orderbook with newbuild brace

Netherlands-based shortsea operator Longship Group has bolstered its orderbook of eco-friendly general cargo vessels.

The company has signed up for a pair of 3,700 dwt GS Eco-Freighters at compatriot GS Projects and Ship and Steelbuilding (SaS) in Waterhuizen following an order for two similar ships, which have already been delivered and named Longsun and Longsky under a joint project with Norwegian broker Wagle Chartering.

The latest newbuilds are expected for delivery in the second and third quarters of 2025.

Both ships are committed on finance and will operate under five-year time charter agreements, the company said.

Longship was established in 2009 and has since established a footprint in the European shortsea trade. The company operates around 20 ships between 3,700 dwt and 10,000 dwt, including 8,600 dwt newbuilds ordered at Atlas Shipyard in Turkey last year. The company also has a series of 6,000 dwt vessels booked at GS yard, with delivery starting in 2026.